B22: Ball valve, metal, manually operated, three-piece body, ISO 5211, top flange, lockable hand lever, low-maintenance spindle seal and blow-out proof shaft, with anti-static unit
8: DN 8
10: DN 10
15: DN 15
20: DN 20
25: DN 25
32: DN 32
40: DN 40
50: DN 50
65: DN 65
80: DN 80
100: DN 100
Body/ball configuration
D: 2/2-way body
U: 2/2-way straight through body, V-ball 30° (KV value see data sheet)
W: 2/2-way straight through body, V-ball 90° (KV value see data sheet)
Y: 2/2-way straight through body, V-ball 60° (KV value see data sheet)
Connection type
1: Threaded socket DIN ISO 228
8: Flanges EN 1092, PN 16, form B, face to face EN 558, series 1, ISO 5752, basic series 1
11: Flanges EN 1092, PN 40, form B, face to face EN 558, series 1, ISO 5752, basic series 1
17: Spigot EN 10357, series A / DIN 11866, series A formerly DIN 11850, series 2
19: Spigot DIN EN 12627
31: NPT female thread
39: Flange ANSI Class 125/150 RF, face-to-face dimension FTF EN 558 series 1, ISO 5752, basic series 1, length only for body configuration D
59: Spigot ASME BPE / DIN EN 10357 series C (from edition 2022) / DIN 11866 series C
60: Spigot ISO 1127 / DIN EN 10357 series C (edition 2014) / DIN 11866 series B
70: Welded sockets ANSI B 16.11
Ball valve material
37: 1.4408 / CF8M (body, connection), 1.4401 / SS316 (ball, shaft)
C7: 1.4408 / CF8M (body), 1.4409 / CF3M (end cap), 1.4401 / SS316 (ball, shaft)
Liner material
Control function
1: Normally closed (NC)
2: Normally open (NO)
L: Manually operated, lockable hand lever
Actuator version
HVP: Hand lever set with V-port indication 0° - 90°
SETBL: Hand lever special color blue
SETGE: Hand lever special color yellow
SETGR: Hand lever, special colour green
SETOV: Hand lever special form Oval
SETSW: Hand lever special color black
SETWE: Hand lever special color white
SR1: Metal hand lever for DN8-DN20, spring force closing, incl. fixing set, F03F04D09
SR2: Metal hand lever for DN25-DN32, normally closed, incl. mounting kit, F03F04D11
SR3: Metal hand lever for DN40-65, normally closed, incl. mounting kit, F05F07D14
SR5: Metal hand lever for DN80-100, normally closed, incl. mounting kit, F07F10D17
Execution type
0101: Media wetted area cleaned to ensure suitability for paint applications, parts sealed in plastic bag
0107: Valve free of oil and grease, cleaned on the medium side and packed in a PE bag
5143: Mounting parts in A4 quality. Attention! Danger of galling!
5227: Thermal break between actuator and valve body by mounting bridge, mounting bridge and mounting parts in stainless steel
5237: K-NR 5227, K-NR 7056, 5227 - Thermal separation by mounting bridge, 7056 - Shaft drilled, hand lever shortened
5238: K-NR 0101, K-NR 5227, 0101 - Media wetted area cleaned to ensure suitability for paint applications, 5227 - Thermal separation by mounting bridge
5239: K-NR 0107, K-NR 5227, SF5 - Ra max. 0.51 µm (20 µin.) electropolished internal/external, 5227 - Thermal separation by mounting bridge
5240: K-NR 0101, K-NR 5227, K-NR 7056, 0101 - Media wetted area cleaned to ensure suitability for paint applications, 5227 - Thermal separation by mounting bridge, 7056 - Shaft drilled, hand lever shortened
5241: K-NR 0107, K-NR 5227, K-NR 7056, SF5 - Ra max. 0.51 µm (20 µin.) electropolished internal/external, 5227 - Thermal separation by mounting bridge, 7056 - Shaft drilled, hand lever shortened
7056: Hand lever shortened for mounting feedback units.
7097: K-NR 0101, K-NR 7056, 0101 - Media wetted area cleaned to ensure suitability for paint applications, 7056 - Shaft drilled, hand lever shortened
7126: K-no. 0107, K-no. 7056, 0107 - Valve free of oil and grease, media wetted area cleaned and packed in PE bag 7056 - Hand lever shortened for mounting feedback units. Shaft face drilled for mounting kit:
Special version
O: Special version for oxygen, maximum medium temperature: 100 °C Operating pressure limited according to Type lable data media wetted materials cleaned and grease as well as seal with test on the basis of DIN EN 1797 / ISO 2101
P: ASME B31.3
X: ATEX certification
C: Integrated RFID chip for electronic identification and traceability